To The Environment

Sustainability Policy

Forsgren Associates, Inc.

Purpose of the Policy

The primary purpose of this policy is to establish Sustainability as a guiding principle for daily operations and as a framework for longer term business decisions for our company. The Board of Directors recognizes and accepts its responsibility to support sustainable communities through plans, policies, and procedures that promote clean air and water; reduce energy consumption and air pollution; promote water use efficiency, the use of alternative energy sources, recycling and solid waste management; and provide awareness in these areas to our employees, clients, and the communities in which we live, play, and work.

Sustainability Definition
“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (United Nations, 1987)

Sustainability Policy
It is the Policy of Forsgren Associates to consider the financial, environmental, and social benefits of our business practices, to make decisions that are cost effective to our employees and our clients, and are responsive to the environment. To support this Policy, Forsgren Associates will, when practical and prudent, make our best efforts to:

  • Encourage and develop connections between environmental quality and operational efficiency.
  • Encourage environmental responsibility in our designs and our practices.  
  • Include long term and cumulative impacts in decision making and work to protect environmental quality in the communities in which we live, play, and work.  
  • Ensure commitment to equity so environmental impacts and the costs of protecting the environment do not unfairly impact certain portions of the communities in which we work.
  • Ensure environmental quality and understand environmental linkages when decisions are made regarding project development and implementation, and office use, transportation needs, energy use, water conservation, and air quality impacts.
  • Use resources efficiently and, when possible, reduce demand for natural resources by ac tively promoting recycling and reuse programs.
  • Use cost effective measures to mitigate additional pollution through planned, proactive measures rather than only corrective action.
  • Act locally to reduce adverse global impacts by supporting and implementing innovative programs that maintain and promote Forsgren Associates as a sustainable business.
  • Purchase products based on long-term environmental and operating costs and find ways to include environmental and social costs in short term prices. Purchase products that are durable, reusable, biodegradable, made of recycled materials, and are non-toxic.
  • Educate our customers and employees about the Company’s sustainable programs.
  • Solicit employee and customer impute on decisions. Encourage individuals to take responsibility for their actions that impact water, air, and other scarce resources.


Sustainability Definition LEED Certification and Sustainable Design Support
As a corporate member of the US Green Building Council, Forsgren Associates is dedicated to helping our clients transform the manner in which buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated. Our goal is to promote an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life for our clients’ citizens and customers.

We further encourage and support individual LEED professional accreditation which distinguishes those building professionals with the knowledge and skills to successfully steward  the LEED certification process. Our LEED Accredited Professionals have demonstrated  a thorough understanding of green building practices and principles and the LEED Rating System.