Erosion Control & Stream Bank Stabilization Erosion Control & Stream Bank Stabilization Erosion Control & Stream Bank Stabilization Erosion Control & Stream Bank Stabilization Erosion Control & Stream Bank Stabilization Erosion Control & Stream Bank Stabilization
Erosion Control / Stream Bank Stabilization

Natural disasters in the west frequently cut off access to communities, homes, ranches, and businesses thereby exacerbating the immediate economic impacts. Controlling erosion and stabilizing stream banks are often critical government responses that allow access, protect roads and bridges from further damage, and protect the safety of the driving public. In addition, erosion and unstable banks may impact sensitive aquatic species that, by definition, are already living on the edge of disaster. Forsgren Associates routinely and rapidly performs geomorphological, hydraulic and hydrologic investigations and surveys that enable our engineers to address immediate in-stream and in-channel challenges. Our responses are predicated on minimizing further damage to aquatic species so that long-term fixes are not compromised. A recent and typical project included stream channel rehabilitation, fish passage accommodation, roadway embankment repairs and resurfacing, replacement of five large-arch bridges, replacement of eight culverts, multiple gabion installations, and native-material bank stabilization.